No School This Friday! In observance of Good Friday, all TISD campuses will be closed on April, 15th, 2022. Classes will resume at their normal times on Monday, April 18th.
Late Start Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 22nd, 2022! As a result of the recent severe weather, Trinity ISD will have a 10:00 start time for Tuesday, March 22nd, 2022. Buses will run two hours late.
No School Tomorrow, Due to Weather! Due to forecasted weather conditions, TISD will be closed tomorrow All extracurricular activities for today and tomorrow are cancelled.
Trinity Tigers Football vs. Palestine Westwood Ticket Information! Thursday: JH @Westwood, JV @HomeFriday: V @Westwood, All tickets will be sold online only. No cash at gates
Trinity ISD Parent Portal Signup and Proof of Residency Update! We are updating our information and need your help. We are requiring all TISD students to have a parent portal account and submit two forms of proof of residency by October 15th.
All TISD Campuses are Closed 9-1 through 9-12! Due to a recent spike in COVID-19 cases, all campuses will be closed until 9-12.